Latest news
Tuesday 26th April 2016

MEPs from various political groups have submitted a Written Declaration on ‘trophy hunting’ in the European Parliament, aiming to ban the general import of game trophies into the EU.
The ban would include non-endangered abundant species; it is opposed to the killing of animals whether captive or wild-born, and attacks conservation in general.
The Declaration disregards...
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Tuesday 26th April 2016

The revelation that deer management contributes around £140 million to the Scottish economy was one of several positive conclusions to be drawn from the latest Public & Corporate Economic Consultants (PACEC) report.
The findings were announced at the annual general meeting of the Association of Deer Management Groups (ADMG) – the organisation representing those...
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Tuesday 26th April 2016

Shooting organisations have stated their support of a statement made by H.R.H. Prince William, which reinstates the important conservation role of commercial hunting (often referred to as trophy hunting).
The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) and The Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (FACE) announced their support of...
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Tuesday 26th April 2016

A .275 Rigby rifle broke the record for the most valuable bolt-action rifle sold at a Safari Club International Convention (SCI) auction.
The rifle, built by London gunmaker John Rigby & Co as a tribute to Jim Corbett, sold for $250,000 and was bought jointly by husband and wife American SCI members, Brian and Denise Welker.
Brian explained: “Corbett has always been...
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